Scolecite Palm Stone


Scolecite is the stone of the higher realms! It is the ultimate stone for connecting you easily by opening your Soul Star Chakra and facilitating the transfer of the highest energetic healing vibrations from the higher realms through you and to whomever or whatever you are healing. It creates a connection between individuals and with divine guides. Scolecite is one of the stones included in the Synergy 12 - (stones that activate the light bodies). 

The presence of stilbite in this material is also a beautiful combination for healing work, as stilbite is a facilitator of higher enlightenment and consciousness, connecting you to your inner most soul. Reconnection to who you are at your core, and bringing you together with your values and higher wisdom, creates a beautiful vibration of pure white light energy, which helps you achieve your healing with more clarity, focus and ease.