Amethyst Bracelet 8 mm


Amethyst is a powerful Crown Chakra Material that bolsters your higher esoteric connection to the spiritual realm. Essential for crystal healers, this stone brings a sense of balance and equilibrium unlike any other crystal material. It allows us to be more focused, alert, sharp, and in control of our own destiny. Our Crown Chakra receives information, and Amethyst allows us to expand our mind to accept these messages, all the while allowing us the discernment and wisdom to decode and apply them to our magical lives.

It is the perfect stone for those suffering from addiction or negative patterns of self-destructive behavior, as it allows us to break free from the chains of those behaviors and regain control of the situation to change it for ourselves!

Gemstone bracelets are available in hundreds of stones at Practical Magic. We are firm believers in adorning yourself daily with the gifts of Gaia. Intentionally choosing your jewelry daily is a part of dressing your most sacred space, your personal body. Isn't it amazing that mother earth grows her own jewelry? Using your stones for their metaphysical properties is super easy when you have them available in jewelry form! You can stack bracelets to help you with multiple intentions! Have fun!